Title: L x I x V x E (TBS)Time Band: FRIDAYS
Starring: Eriko Imai (Speed), Hitoe Arakaki (Speed),
Tatsuya Fujiwara, Kenji Harada, Kenji Kohashi, Masato Ibu, Tatsuya
Ryu, Rina Uchiyama.
THEME SONG BY: Shooting Star by Amika Hattan---first episode:April 9, 1999
brief description: a story of boys and girls belonging to the brass
band club at a Yokosuka high school. One day, Misaki (Eriko Imai)
transfers to Yokosuka school and enters the brass band which is in the
brink of disbanding/cancelations. Though Misaki wanted
to play a saxophone, the brass band leader Seiichi (Kenji Harada)
asks her to play a flute. One day, when Misaki sees Yuki (Hitoe Arakaki)
playing a saxophone, she is impressed and decides to save the brass
band. Title: Yomigaeru Kinro (NTV)
written by Haruhiko Ohyabu (Kodokawa Bunko novelist)
Time Band: SATURDAYS Starring: Shingo Katori
(SMAP), Ryo Ishibashi, Takako Uehara (Speed), Manami Honjo, Chosuke
Ikariya, Shin Takuma, Takashi Itofirst episode:April
17, 1999brief description: Formerly,
Yomigaeru Kinro won great fame as a movie star.Tetsuya (shingo Katori)
is an ordinary salary-man during the day while at night, he solves
crime mysteries just like a policeman but he uses great physical
powers. One day, Tetsuya's brother kills himself mysteriously after
being involved in a trouble. Tetsuya thinks the brother was murdered,
and enters another company secretly to investigate what the president
of the company was doing for his dead brother. |