| SEPT'98:
Amuro's mother has written a book called
"Yasusoku" (PROMISE) and it is all about Namie Amuro. (if you want to
know what this book is all about please e-mail me). I was told that
Amuro is going to the gym and voice trainning-also she took Haruto to
her sister so her sis can take care of him while she prepares to come
back. Yea~GO Namie~!!July 13'98:(source
from Ken Chan) Namie Amuro lost her grandmother. On July 10, Namie
Amuro's grandmother Kiyoko Unrasaki (74) died and the reason why
Kiyoko died is unknow. Namie rushed back to Okinawa to say good-bye
to her grandmother. Since Namie's mother Emiko Amuro (47) divorced
17 years ago), Namie grew up with her mother and grandmother. Namie's
grandma was one of the most important person in Namie's life. However,
Amuro could only stay in Okinawa for 2 days because her father in law
Masayoshi Maruyama's funeral service is going to be held on July 13th
in Iwatsuki city.On June 16th: Masayoshi Maruyama (father of Masaharu~
SAM~Amuro's Husband) died on the night of June 16 due to a heart
failure. He was 69 years old. Sam left his famaily house for his job
in Hiroshima after he was informed of the death (eh? isn't he suppose
to be in "mourning"). AS for AMURO, she is in great sorrow (according
to several TV programs)~Masayoshi was a very well-known doctor in
Iwatsuki city, Maruyama Memorial General Hospital, and he operated
Amuro when she delivered her baby. Some background on the family:
three of Masayoshi's 5 sons are doctors; a dentist (eldest), a
maternity doctor, and an orthopedic doctor: so their family in lined
up with doctors..therefore, for the family, Sam is something like a
"black sheep". Amuro son, Haruto, won't have a chance to see his
grandfather anymore....
July Review: Amuro's new video~"181920 film" was
released~also in VCD.
May 30th: Namie Amuro~Rising Production president
Tetsuo Taira visited Maruyama Kinen Sogo Byoin on May 19th to see
Namie Amuro. The present said to namie, "Congratulation!" and added
"You don't have to worry about your singing job." Taira commented to
the press, "I don't know when she comes back, but we're ready to
restart." In addition to the president, several people visited the
hospital, including Namie's mother. |