I got Globe's new Album--RELATION-I have ALL
their albums..and I think this one is as good as any of Globe's albums...
I really like Sweet Pain from the first album---Is this love/Faces
Places from the second album and the third I would say either track #7
or You are the one. As for this New Album--I like SA YO NA RA and
Wanna b a DMaker da best (and track 8). I got Wanna be a
DreamMaker single when it first came out and I am still not tired of
listening to it over and over again. Song list: 1. Letting out a deep breath,
2.across the street-cross the WATERS, 3. WANNA BE A DREAMMaker, 4. creamy day,
5. SA YO NA RA, 6. SWEET HEART, 7. like a snowy kiss, 8. calls from
the public, 9. relation, 10. Prefume of LOVE, and 11. Illusion ---
and Keiko wrote the Lyrics for track #7 and #11 while Marc wrote
#1, 2, 4 , 8. Many people said that Globe doesn't deserve to win the
Nihon R. Taishou award--GLAY, L'ARC r both in competition with
Globe..and yet, globe won. Many people believe L'ARC should've won
cuz of their achievements in year 98. Even if L'ARC didn't win,
Glay should've won dued to their tremendous dedication to Music. However, when I listen to Globe's Wanna be a Dreammaker,
I think they DO deserve the award (note: GLAY is my No.1 FAV. group--
and I think they'll win next year!!!) |