Data Source: Mainichi Daily News
---May 21, 1999 Pop singer Tomomi Kahala, who recently declared
a come-back after a nearly five-month hiatus, was found collapsed and
nearly unconscious early Thursday in the lobby of a Tokyo apartment
building, sources said. The 24-year-old singer was believed to
have collapsed around midnight on the first floor of the building in
Koto-ku. She was taken to a hospital and was later reported in stable
condition. Tomomi has not given stage or broadcast performances throughout
this year due to illness. Her last performance was on December 31
for a New Year's Eve broadcast on NHK.
[additional info by Ken-chan] Later, several news sources said,
a doctor of Juntendo hospital announced he found no signs of evidence
of a suicide attempt. He added, she collapsed because of
anemia (poverty of blood). When news sources let us know the
collapse, Production Ogi (her talent agency) threw into utter
confusion. The president of the agency rushed into the hospital
to see how she is. Komuro, her former boyfriend, announced no
message because Kahala transferred to another talent agency (
Production Ogi). A staff of Komuro's agency said, "we have no
comment on the collapse because Kahala-san isn't a member of our
talent agency." [data source: Nikkan Sports Shimbun, May 21 issue]
translated by= Ken chan = | |